
Mimikyu: A Creepypasta Story Chapter 3

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I can't remember my nightmare on that night. It hurts to remember. All I recall was that it felt like heavy darkness and smelled like raw meat.
"Wake up, Leaf!" My mom called out, pulling me from my slumber. "I've noticed that you didn't get the decorations yet from the basement! I thought I told you to read the list carefully, kiddo."
“Sorry. I'll do it." I yawned and quickly dresses into a plain light blue T-shirt and very worn jeans. "Are the switches working?” I asked, not liking to be in the dark.

“I haven't checked one of them, but if you're gonna be a trainer, you're gonna have to walk in the dark.”

"Breakfast is on the table," she said and left to prepare something in the garage. I took a slice of generously buttered toast and scarfed it down while I made my way to the basement. I planned to eat the second toast when I'm done.

The basement isn't as bad as it seems, but I hated the suffocating air down there. I carefully went down the spiral steps. Each wooden step was sturdy enough but very narrow, so I awkwardly descended sideways into the darkness. There were times when I almost lost my balance, but it was better than going forward. I felt more scared that way. I didn't like using the railing for support either since they'd cause splinters all over my hands. By the time I got to the last step, the board broke on me.
I squeaked and half fell down. My foot was safe from harm, but my heart wasn't at all.

The basement has two rooms, the one I was going into and another through an empty doorway behind me. Each has only one light bulb in the middle of the room with a string of yarn hanging off it.
Mom and I didn't care much for the basement, since we barely go there. We just drop our boxes of junk on the crumbly concrete and forget about it.
I cautiously walked towards the switch, using the distant light above the stairs. I didn't want to bump into anything and tried not to think of anything else but turning on the switch. I have learned that what scares you the most is your anticipation of something scary about to happen. Often events don't turn out as bad it seemed. My eyes adjusted in the darkness, and I spotted the white string and yanked it. The string broke off in my hand but the light pleasantly turned on with a click anyways.

“How am I going to turn this off now?” I whispered to myself, irritated. My eyes searched the eerily lit room for something that look like it was supposed to be in a party. Instead I found a bunch of outdated and dusty Pokemon test equipment. Everything else looked like boxes of bland colored garbage. Then I saw it in the corner. There was something colorful behind those short statues over there. I walked towards it and found an assortment of party favors, deflated Poke-balloons, and so many other things. I would've felt happy and touched if I wasn't down here. Mom has never done something this special since her first day off from work in a while. I leaned down and firmly grabbed the sides of the large cardboard box when something black rose from the other side of the box.
It almost grazed my nose. I felt like my heart skip a beat and I didn't move at all. There was silence when it turned a full 180 degrees and backed up, revealing a pale yellow creature about 8 inches tall. It looked like a Pikachu, but it was something else. It had a crooked wooden tail and a dark claw-like thing. It also had two black dots on its chest, a lopsided head with crumpled ears, and no feet from where I could see.

What distinguishes it the most from a Pikachu was it's face. It looked like it had a scribbled-on smile, blush and eyes. It seemed it little creepy at first but it was kinda cute.
I relaxed.
It's not like Pokemon can kill people.

“A Pokemon? What are you doing in my basement?” I said coaxingly. I didn't know what it was at the time but it looked scared. It was most likely a ghost Pokemon for it to look like another pokemon and get in the basement. Ghost Pokemon are known for causing mischief, but they are also very rare. I thought I was so lucky to meet one in here of all places.

However, I have never seen a Pokemon like this before, and I practically knew all Pokemon.
The Pokemon cocked it's head curiously.

“Mimikyu.” It said. Then it jumped at me.
It dashed over my shoulder and into the dark room behind me. It was gone as quickly as it came. I was a little startled again, but almost immediately grinned.

“Awww...” I thought. “It's so shy and cute. I want to introduce it to Mom.” So I put down the box near the staircase with questions running through my head.. “What was that Pokemon's claw for--if it is a claw? What kind of name it could it have?” I wanted to know what it was badly. Mom sometimes said that I had as much curiosity as she did.
“Maybe it could be my first Pokemon! Maybe I could give it a name myself!” Sometimes I wished mom would give me a pokedex, but I don't want to come out as rude or selfish.

I walked towards the other room. It felt like pitch black in there. It was as if the light cannot penetrate any deeper. I stopped in the middle of the empty doorway. I saw my own shadow trembling on the floor in front of me. I couldn't hear anything, and as far as I can see, the room was empty. I hesitantly looked left and right with my eyes, then slowly turned my head to each direction. I really want to go back into the safety of the light. Everything was so quiet.

“What kind of trainer am I, if I'm going to be scared of the dark?” I muttered, trying to reassure myself. “I'm 10 years old! It's ridiculous!“

I tried not to think what I was doing. I walked quickly to the barely visible string, dangling from the ceiling. Before I could change my mind I reached out with my right hand and pulled it.

Nothing happened.

“Oh, come on!” I yelled in my mind. I was too afraid to speak out loud.

I didn't notice it until now, being too focused on being focused, but...
I heard quiet rustling all around me.
At that moment, I also remembered my mom saying that she didn't know if one of the switched worked, too. I guess this was the one. Then the light bulb flickered on. There was a of buzz of electricity in the once silent room.

This room full of creatures staring back at me.

“Aaaahh!” I yelled in surprise and lost my balance. I fell on my bottom and froze in fear.
Those...creatures. I didn't think they were Pokemon at all. It was like they were wearing all sorts of Pokemon skins.
How did they even get those skins?
I felt the creatures were looming over me.
Did they want my skin, too?
I scrambled back towards the door, but now they were blocking the exit.
It was as if they filled every nick and cranny in the room. They stood side-by-side together and some of them even stood on each others' heads.
Then they began to chant together.
It wasn't synchronized at all and it became a jumble of loud words in my head.

Chapter 3: The Basement Cliche
Did you find the hidden words?
Photo credit to Borobo.
"Don't forget me."
© 2016 - 2024 Amyko-san
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